Lots of women think that to balance their hormones and fix their painful, PMSy period problems they need to cut out entire food groups or go on restrictive diets.
But here’s a truth-bomb for you: women who enjoy PMS-free, painless periods every month aren’t on restrictive diets or the latest fad.
They’ve tapped into something much more reliable, something that frees them from the monthly dread of wondering, "How much will my period hurt this time?"
Their superpower is: nourishment.
So let’s talk about how to cultivate this truly life-changing approach.
Today IN 3 MINUTES OR LESS You'll Learn:
🏆 Why nourishment trumps restriction EVERY time
🥩 Carnivore? Keto? Low Carb? Here's the truth
5️⃣ Tips For Nourishing Your Hormones
How To Balance Your Hormones Without Diets You Struggle To Stick To
There’s a big myth that many of us have unknowingly bought into: that we need to go on a certain diet & eliminate a bunch of foods to balance our hormones. Think about it: how many times have you told yourself something like, “I just need to cut out gluten and sugar THEN maybe I’ll feel better!"
Meanwhile, your relationship with food becomes stressful and you just give up cause its all too hard and confusing.
It’s a common trap, one that most of my clients have struggled with!
But women who experience consistency with their energy & pain-free periods don’t do this. They don’t deprive themselves or follow joyless diets.
Instead they nourish their bodies by learning about what their hormones *actually need for balance long-term.
When you finally understand ^ this ^ you’ll never be asking yourself, “what is the best diet for me?” ever again!!
Carnivore? Keto? Low Carb? What's THE Best?
I'm going to cut to the chase:
Any diet that involves extremes or cutting out entire food groups is not sustainable nor health-promoting in the LONG-TERM. Anyone promoting one specific diet is overlooking the fact that not everyone responds the same way to certain foods based on our individual differences like genetics, food sensitivities, toxic load, microbiome health, etc.
Just because a diet is trending on instagram does NOT mean its effective, evidence-based or the best diet for you. So, instead of gravitating towards a fad diet like keto or carnivore or any other extreme, can we all just meet in the middle?
Can we remove the diet labels and the "I'm right, you're wrong" debates around THE best diet...And instead it's time to focus on what truly matters: finding a way to nourish your body that works uniquely for you.
3 Simple Tips For Nourishment
Embracing nourishment extends beyond just the foods we eat - it encompasses our approach to eating and our relationship with food.
1. Here are 3 tips to get you started:Focus on ADDING IN essential nutrients: The main cause of painful, PMSy periods is nutrient deficiency & blood sugar dysregulation. So, instead of cutting out foods, focus on the balance of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbs - that your body requires for hormone production & balance.
2. Tune into your body: After eating, notice how you feel. Did that meal boost your energy, or leave you feeling bloated, sluggish & hungry only hours later? Listening closely helps you learn how to make meals that truly nourish you.
3. Ditch the Diet Rules: Forget about labelling foods as 'good' or 'bad'. Embrace a flexible approach to eating that allows for a variety of foods. This mindset promotes a healthier relationship with food and eliminates the pressure of perfection.
The Bottom Line
Whether you have PCOS, endometriosis, missing or irregular periods - your hormonal health doesn’t need you to be perfect, endlessly motivated, or on the latest fad diet.
What it needs is a bit of good, old-fashioned nourishment.
Because the balanced moods & easy, pain-free periods you’ve been dreaming of? Are not a distant hope. They can be closer than you think.
And every form of nourishment is bringing you right to it.
You’ve got this, Beautiful! 🚀
P.s Want more support discovering the best diet for your hormones? Apply to work with me 1:1 here for Nutrition & Hormone Coaching.