Let’s be real - stress in life can be unavoidable, unpredictable & stick around for longer periods than we like.
If you’re a health conscious human like me - you may be aware that stress can wreak havoc on your hormones causing all sorts of problems like PMS, cramps, period irregularities & even fertility challenges.
I don’t know about you but I find it annoying when any one just says to just “reduce your stress” - like its so easy to do..
Instead, I focus on daily practices that consistently help build my resilience to stress so that my body can better respond, adapt & bounce back when the unpredictable arises.
For anyone who is experiencing stress right now - I see you. I feel you, and you got this. This too shall pass.
But the key to protect your hormonal health & prevent future period problems is to give yourself permission to slow down & self-care TODAY.
Don’t wait around for the repercussions of stress to take place. Give yourself permission to take care of you now.
Instead, I focus on daily practices that consistently help build my resilience to stress so that my body can better respond, adapt & bounce back when the unpredictable arises.
- Nikki Gonda
I’m about to share my NON-NEGOTIABLE daily practices that I particularly focus on DIALLING UP when I’m not sleeping well and when my nervous system needs some extra TLC.
Here are my top non-negotiable practices to help protect my hormones against stress & poor sleep..
I prioritize morning sunlight exposure
Exposing yourself to natural sunlight in the morning helps to reset your circadian clock, which is essential for regulating sleep-wake cycles. Try to get outside for at least 20-30 minutes in the morning to receive the benefits of natural light is not only going to boost your mood & energy for the day, but help improve sleep at night.
I drink a Tart Cherry Juice Elixir
You may have seen the sleep promoting drink go viral on social media - so I thought I’d give it a crack.
Tart cherries contain melatonin, and there is evidence to show that drinking tart cherry juice increases melatonin available in the body. Increasing your intake of melatonin is likely to prompt you to fall asleep quicker and experience better sleep quality.
I wear THIS Sleep mask
Blocking out light and sleeping in darkness is essential for melatonin production, which helps regulate sleep. Using a sleep mask can help block out any light that may be disrupting your sleep. This mask will change you life.
I supplement Melatonin
Melatonin has shown to reduce oxidative stress & aid with sleep. It’s a tool I have in my self-care kit for times of stress + poor sleep. This is’nt an everyday thing, it’s a sometimes supplement for extra support.
I give my adrenals a break from coffee & have a Luna’s Matcha instead
The unavoidable truth is that coffee spikes cortisol levels, which only makes things worse when you’re already tired & stressed! Luna's matcha latte gives a sustained boost in energy but also contains adaptogenic herbs that support the hormones and adrenals to help protect against stress.
I go on a sunset walk
This is a new one for me & helps me wind down after a busy day. I leave my phone at home & don’t look at it again until the morning, to avoid any external stimulation & reduce bluelight exposure that can interfere with sleep.
I increase my magnesium!!
Stress depletes magnesium, which is an essential mineral for regulating the nervous system, promoting quality sleep & balancing hormones. I supplement 300mg of magnesium glycinate daily.
Remember this..
Self-care is not a one time event, its a life long practice. Its not a luxury, it is a necessity for you to thrive. By implementing these practices daily you'll help build your resiliency to stress & improve your sleep so that you can support your hormonal health for healthier periods, more energy & better moods!
You got this!
Want more personalised support to balance your hormones? Apply to work with me 1:1 here for nutrition & hormone coaching.